Tuesday, September 19, 2006

FMS article

I found this interesting. Click on the link and read it for yourself.

It's time for me to finally get this under control. Keeping busy and trying not to think about it doesn't cut it anymore.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maybe this isn't going as well as I had hoped it would

I am still so tired, and I'm pretty sure I'm used to the altitude by now.

After about three months pain free since i've been here, I'm now in pain all the time it seems.

Aleve and I are fast becoming reacquainted.

I have a doctor's appointment on Sept. 18th. It's a family practice doc, but I gotta start somewhere, right?

I just want to rule other things out, and I haven't had a general check up in a very long time. I'm 42 years old; I need to find out what I should be on the look out for because I'm getting older.

So far, it's just bifocals.

I've lost weight, but I really think that's from all the walking I'm doing because I still don't have a car. I'm not eating as much either. I wonder if that means something significant?

And of course, I want to ask about a rheumy, too. I could benefit from seeing someone.

I'm almost desperate enough to try all those supposed "cures" that are out there. Almost, but not quite. I'm not stupid.

I get a lot of freedom in my job to stand and stretch and move around, so what I'm feeling now is not because I'm stuck in a chair eight hours a day.

Maybe it's the hours I work: 5am to 2pm. If the job weren't fun, I'd have never taken the position and moved all the way up here.

I have my dream job. So why do I feel iti's slowly becoming a nightmare?

Any thoughts?