Tuesday, September 28, 2004

In the, um, ahh, zone--yeah, that's it!

I noticed it again yesterday when I came home from the store. I sat in the car and zoned out for God only knows how long. All I knew is that my lunch was cold and the gallon of milk I bought was getting warm.

I've been doing that periodically almost my whole life. I'll be somewhere and I'll just sit there and just, well, stare off into space. I don't know if this is related to FMS, or if this is something completely different. The scariest times are when I'm driving and I get disoriented on roads I travel everyday. Maybe I shouldn't be driving, but I 'm the one who does all the shopping, banking, etc., for my mom. She can't drive at night.

I really should get to a doctor and have him/her figure this out. But, without insurance, there's little I can do. That's why getting disability is important to me. I'd have a regular income and have the means to get insurance and see doctors to treat me for the FMS.

I'm on the SSA merry goin-in-the-round, so I'll have to wait on them, because I don't want to sit all day at the SSA office at Shepard Mall waiting to talk to someone. They'd have to carry me out on a stretcher.

What's a gal with FMS to do?


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