Monday, June 27, 2005

This is insane...

I worked for 2 1/2 hours Saturday afternoon, and my ankles, especially the right one, hurt like crazy! It took a lot of effort to even put weight on my right foot because the ankle hurt so much.

Driving home was torture! I was using the accelorator with my big toe, because it was the only point on my right foot that didn't hurt. Even when I was sitting still after I got home, there were shooting pains so strong I winced.

So this is what RA is going to do to me. As if the pain I feel from the FMS wasn't bad enough, or constant enough, now I have this to contend with.

Great. Just great.

I requested a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge, which I know I won't get for at least a year. Maybe I won't need it, I don't know. I just hope that all I've been going to school for isn't for naught because I'm in too much pain to work full time.

Pesonally, I think SSA should pay me at least for the time I was truly unable to work, between May 2002 and March of 2005, when I went back to school. I don't care what their so-called "experts" say, I was not able to work between those dates because I was in pain, both physical and mental. Imagine all the people who fall through the cracks because someone in a position of authority doesn't think they are disabled enough.

Maybe they're just hoping I'll get frustrated and give up. I want to work, and I'm going to school to learn a new industry so I can go back to work, but what about the nearly three years I was unable to work? Shouldn't I get something for that? Some kind of compensation for my pain? I wold have worked during those three years if I could, but I could not.

I need a major break.


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