Sunday, August 28, 2005

Pain relief improves fibromyalgia sufferers' lives --via Yahoo! News

This sounds quite promising!

God knows it's about freakin' time that fibromyalgia patients need something to help them manage their pain better. This sounds like something that I'd like to investigate further when funds and a job with medical bennies permits.

I have now gone over the 2 1/2 year mark since I had regular care for my FMS. Tylenol to aleviate the pain just doesn't cut it any more, and the drugs I was taking (courtesy of my brother in law, the doctor) have come under a serious cloud.

I also decided that I would not go to a Administrative Law Judge hearing, so I let the deadline come and go. What I think I'll do instead is wait for my name change (regaining the use of my maiden name after my divorce) to be recognized by SSA, then reapply under that name. At the very least, I should get some kind of compensation for the nearly three years I was unable to work a full time job because of my FMS symptoms. Even now, going to school, I'm still in a great deal of pain a lot of the time, and am constantly exhausted (I take what I've referred to in my other blog as my "infamous three hour naps").

There is someone who is becoming a big part of my life who I need to educate on the facts about fibromyalgia. He'd never heard of it until I told him I had it. I need a gentle way to approach the subject with out scaring him off.

Any suggestions?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The facts of pain
People spent too much time thinking that pain was just the brain reaction to a single situation (a fall, some hit, a punch) but Scientifics have discover that pain is much more complex than that, and can reflect to parts in your body that have nothing to with it and can make it to difficult for you to stand other problems
For a lot of years now people had lived with pain accepting it as a part of their life but some changes in this attitude have to made because pain is not that easy to stand and in too many cases it makes another health problem worse .
Pain is Prevalent
• More than 50 million Americans people live with severe pain caused by several illness or disorders, and every year nearly 25 million people suffer with acute pain as a result of injury or surgery.
• Nine in ten Americans suffered from regular pain (89% said they have some kind of pain on a monthly or more often basis).
• Although the medical knowledge and technology is now available to relieve or greatly ease most pain, most pain goes untreated, under treated, or improperly treated.
• People don’t realize that pain is not something they "just have to live with," even though treatments are available to solve most types of pain. And, in fact, if not treated, pain can make other health issue worse.
• Four in five Americans believed aches and pains were a part of being older and 64 percent would only see a doctor when they could not stand the pain any more. Sixty percent said that pain was something you just have to live with, and 55% told they were uncomfortable taking medications.
• Pain causes the majority of pain sufferers (68%) to feel anxious, irritable, or depressed.
• Most of the people with pain say that their pain interferes with their ability to sleep.
• The 40% of those with pain say that their pain interferes with their productivity and ability to work.

Source: The American Pain oundation

Pain relief