Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I've been here two months (almost)... a status report

Haven't found a doctor to see here yet, but I think I'm doing pretty well.

For now, Aleve helps with some of the pain, and sometimes, I have my moments where I question my sanity about taking this job. It invloves a lot of sitting, and at times, I am in a lot of pain.

The thing I cannot get used to is the altitude. The city I'm in is not quite a mile high, but I've been exhausted nearly every day I've been here. Most people who have been here a while say that's normal, and that eventually, I will get used to it. My question is: WHEN?! LOL

It's been really hot here, with a weekend not too long ago in the triple digits. There's next to no humidity, so it just feels hot, as opposed to feeling like a limp dishrag because I'm sweating a lot. Don't get me wrong, I do sweat, despite the humidity, just not as much as I did living in Oklahoma.

All in all, I have more good days than bad. Is that a remission of sorts? I don't know. Perhaps I should check the local library for books on FMS. At any rate, it will at least give me something to read.

After I get more acclimated here, I'll start looking for a rheumatologist. I know I'm out in the middle of nowhere pretty much, but there has to be at least one rheumy here, right?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, have fibromyalgia, combined with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. I'm also a cancer survivor. I lived at high altitude in New Mexico for almost 20 years and felt terrible there. Moved to Phoenix and feel fantastic by comparison. The altitude does make a difference. Taking an iron supplement in the form of ferrous fumarate might help, also.

If it's of any help to you, I put together some good FM/CFS/MCS resources on my site at MCS/FM/CFS Resources

I also have a Natural Health and Fragrance Blog where I discuss Boswellia as a remedy for pain. You can find it at Natural Health and Fragrance Blog

I hope you feel better soon!