Thursday, July 15, 2004

This heat will kill me...

It was 97 degrees here in Edmond, Oklahoma today. Hot and dry...and it's this kind of weather that really wipes me out. I don't even have to do anything. Today, I went to the store, took my son Jeff to the mall, and got gas for the van... now I'm achin' something awful. My hands, feet, wrists, and ankles are killin' me, and the rest of my body feels like one big bruise.
And, I'm tired beyond belief...but do ya think I can sleep? Helllll, no!  I've gone to bed at something like 4am all this week. The headache is driving me insane!
Tomorrow, it may get to triple digits. God help me! And I have to go out in this because my mom has a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon...
Oh.  Joy.

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