Thursday, October 26, 2006

I"ve never been so damn sore in all my life!

I think I am smack dab in the middle of a major league flare. Everything is sore, stiff and very painful.

Sleeping on the floor at my mom's house doesn't help, but she gave away my hide a bed while I was in Wyoming.

Aleve and I are the best of friends, and the only reason I'm sleeping these days is because I am so exhausted every day from doing nothing. I went from working 12-15 hour days to zero, and it all feels the same to me, painwise.

I know I need to see a doctor. I saw a doctor in Wyoming before I left, and all he could tell me is that I have somehow developed an ulcer. With all the stuff I went thru at my job, that news didn't surprise me in the least. He was a GP, and the closest Rheumy was at least 30 miles away. With no car, it may as well have been on the friggin moon.

I just have to tough it out I guess, just like I have for the last four years. One of these days soon, I'm actually going to have a job with medical bennies, and I'm going to take full advantage of it.

Until then, I might see if the great state of Oklahoma can help me out somehow. I'm going back to school, maybe they'll take pity on a poor non traditional college student...

We shall see...


-atomik kitten said...

Hey there. I live in Oklahoma (down in Noble). My mom lives up in the city and has no car. I only come up once a month so otherwise she calls this thing called MediRide or something like that. You might check into it.

I have Lupus so I understand the flare ups. All this rain is killing me. LOL

Dream Follower said...

Hi Stef. My daughter sent me your blog address and I read what you've been going through and feel your pain. I've had FM since 1971 when I broke my neck in a car accident. It wasn't diagnosed until 1992 and I thought I was literally going to die before that.

It took me years to figure out what to do about it once diagnosed and I'm not sure I've figured it out but I've learned a great deal.

I went to Dr's. and got worse (that doesn't mean it will happen to you). They gave me meds that helped the pain but I was in a fog all the time that was worse than the Fibro Fog. I finally went to a nutritionist who did some food allergy testing. Well, I stopped eating gluten and sugar and I can't tell you how much better I felt immediately.

I went for 2-3 years feeling really good and then came down with Polymyalgia! Trust me - I know it doesn't seem possible, but I'd take the Fibro any day. This is something that they know very little about. I have been on 2.5 mg of Prednisone for 2-1/2 yrs. now and I cannot live without it. They say that it won't be forever but I've heard differently.

Anyway, as far as the FM, I would enlist the help of a traditional Dr. AND a nutritionist. There is so much more to this than what Doctors see. It's inflammation. I've learned that Dr's. just don't know how to treat that and don't know how to get to the bottom of it. A nutritionist (NOT a dietician - there's a huge difference) will try and do that. There are all sorts of alternative methods that help this. Unfortunately, they cost, but the nutritionist will be worth it if you can find a good one.

It sounds as if you have a very non-traditional lifestyle, as do I. Kudos to you for going to school. I would love to (I'm 54) but I know that I couldn't do that and work, physically. Can I ask how you're doing that financially? I am so not like other women my age. I don't fit into the traditional lifestyle and as glad as I am about that, it is a difficult road.

I don't know if I've helped you but I just can't stress how eating healthfully (get an allergy test) will help you. It's difficult, but so worth it.

Take care, Stef and best wishes.