Monday, September 06, 2004

I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck

This is getting a bit ridiculous! I am so sore! All I did was go grocery shopping with my mom.

I've noticed that I've had a bit of "brain fog" lately. That scares me because I forget words and stuff that I use all the time. So far, I haven't forgotten names of people I know and important dates.

I've got to get to a doctor and get this mess under control. I feel like I'm deteriorating before my very eyes. Four hour naps in the middle of the day, muscular pain without any effort, and forgetting the name of the cigarettes my mother has smoked for 30+ years is driving me mad!



1 comment:

Stef said...

Thanks for the comments, SB. I have trouble with the laundry, too. I put off doing it as long as possible. The thing with grocery shopping is that it has to get done, and between me and my mom, I end up having to do it. I like to cook, so I have to have the energy to stand or sit to get it done. Fortunately, I don't do all the cooking. When I lived alone, I did have a lot of the throw-it-in-the-microwave type meals. I'd rather make them myself, than to have to use prepared stuff with preservatives and other junk in them that could make me feel even worse than I already do.

I'm getting thru it best I can. Being able to afford doctor's visits and meds is something I have to work on getting done. It's hard when you can't work and can't get Disability (it's very tough to get where I live now).

Again, thanks for stopping by. --Tank's Grrl