Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Still more forms to fill out...thanks SSA

Got a "pain survey" form from SSA in the mail today. One of those "tell us all about what you do all day and how that causes pain" forms that you have to fill in multiple pages of. You wanna know what I do all day, SSA, and why it causes pain? Read this blog!

I started to fill it out, but I had to stop because my hands are killing me and making my handwriting look like an old woman filled it out. I'll get back to it later, I guess, because it's going out in tomorrow's mail. Period. I get those things filled out and back in the mail as soon as possible. Hopefully, they won't lose it like they did the last form I filled out (the one containing the certified copy of my birth certificate, which was missing for FIVE WEEKS!!!). Maybe I'll stick one of those green cards from the post office on the back. You know the one, the recipient has to send it back to you when they get your letter, package, etc.

Is it just me, or does SSA make you answer the same questions a million times to see if your answers match? I wish I could just refer to one form on any subsequent forms, i.e. "refer to answer 23A on form #1234-09". That would be so much easier! But this is the government we're talking about, nothing, no-flippin'-thing is easier! They have to make it as hard as possible. This I find stressful and stress isn't good for my symptoms.

I'm still exhausted from my sojourn to the state fair on Sunday... but it was so worth it!


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