Wednesday, March 31, 2004

From Mi Vida Loca --

August 21, 2003:

I cannot sit in one place for long periods of time without significant pain. Now, I need a doctor to tell Social Security this so I can get disability. I just need to see a doctor, period.

August 17, 2003:

I haven't done anything I wanted to get done this weekend. All I've wanted to do is sleep. I can't believe that working that one day at the OTC wore me out this much! I'll be a zombie by next Saturday if that's the case.

August 15, 2003:

On a more serious note, taking this job reminded me in a rather painful way why I quit working to begin with. There isn't a spot on my body that isn't sore, and that was just from sitting at a desk! That is what fibromyalgia (FMS) does to its sufferers. Certain places on my body, called tender points, hurt when pressed just a little bit. To be diagnosed with FMS, one must have pain from light pressure to 11 of 18 known tender points. When I was diagnosed last summer, I had all 18. On top of all that, I also have rhuematoid arthritis (RA).

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