Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I feel like crap...so what else is new?

I'm in flare again. My body aches, and all I want to do is sleep (just not when I'm supposed to *sigh*).

Dean gave me some Bextra several months ago, but all it does is make the fatigue ten times worse.

SSA sent me more paperwork to fill out. I really hate those stupid authorization forms! SSA sends me ten of them at a time, and I'm wondering who they're sending them to for me to need so many of them. My sister acted as my witness, meaning she had to sign all ten of them, too. She doesn't think I'm going to get Disability this time, either. Thanks for the good wishes, sis...NOT!

I hope that SSA sends me to another doctor, one that has some idea what I'm going thru. The lame exercises that I had to do last time isn't going to cut it. It didn't measure how I felt the next day, and didn't put me into situations that I would encounter while working. Stress plays a big part, too, and they didn't measure that, either.

If they're going to pull this crap on me this time, I'm going to call them on it, because I know what I think needs to be evaluated. They're just doing a job, and that's to report back to SSA that I don't have a problem. I suspect that any doctor that SSA sends me to is not up on FMS and its attendant symptoms, and nor do they care.

I gotta get outta Oklahoma.


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