Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Aspartame and FMS

I drank diet sodas this past weekend. I had read months ago that Aspartame (NutraSweet) can aggravate the symptoms of FMS, and I have found that to be true. I wasn't even thinking about that when I had Diet Coke at my sister's on Saturday, and Diet Pepsi on Sunday. But now, I'm feeling it. I've been in quite a bit of pain Monday and today. I never thought to connect it to artificial sweetners.

There was a time where I was drinking diet sodas regularly. There are so many foods that have artificial sweetners in them that I wasn't even aware of. I'm going to have to make an effort to avoid things with NutraSweet, Splenda, Sweet 'n' Low, etc. I don't know if that alone will help, but it's a start until I can contact a doctor and begin regular treatments.

There are so many places on the web that promise that their method is the method to answer everything. I generally take those with a grain of salt. If they're so good, why haven't the doctor's that treat FMS patients heard of them? Why haven't been written up in medical journals and splashed across our TV screens? Probably because they're either bogus, or are being supressed by those doctors who don't think that FMS/CFS is a "legitimate" medical condition.

This is where I found some information. There are some good recommendations, but that's something that want to explore on my own before I render an opinion.


1 comment:

Jaime said...

you obviously have done a lot more research and are a lot more knowledgable about this than i am, but i thought splenda was different than nutrasweet, sweet & low, etc. splenda is not aspartame, it is sucralose. it is not a neurotoxin. it's made from sugar. maybe it still effects you the same, but i thought it was worth pointing out the difference if it's something that can help you.