Thursday, May 13, 2004

This I've got to see...

The NBC affiliate here in OKC is going to run a report tomorrow about how to "beat" CFS. Is this going to be a major breakthru, or something that works only for a select few CFS patients? I figure that if it were a major breakthru, we'd have heard some news about it long before now.

So I will watch this with an open mind. However, to implement any kind of treatment, I will still need money to pay for it. Kinda hard to do when you're broke.

I called the hearings office yesterday, and was told that my case is now with the decisions writer, and that I could expect a response in as little as 2 weeks, or as long as 2 months or more. Every day that I don't get treatment for this sets me back even further. God only knows what damage has been done in the interim. The pain from the flares (which seems to be more frequent now) is going to drive me insane. Quite literally insane.

I'm praying hard that I get approved. First and foremost, I need to get this under control so I can get on with my life. Now that Jeff's been officially accepted at OU, I need and want to be able to assist him financially, and being approved for Disability and SSI can do that, because as long as Jeff is a full time student, he'll get a check, too. It prolly won't be much, but it will be something.


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