Monday, December 20, 2004

And now naproxen?

What gives?

If they're going to say that all painkillers cause heart problems, then what's a chronic pain sufferer to do? Either they do (cause problems) or they don't.

Again, if someone has a history of heart disease, perhaps they shouldn't be taking these drugs. But don't put the word out there that simply taking them will cause you to have heart disease. That would be irresponsible. Doctors should know if their patients health history well enough to know what drugs to prescribe and what ones not. Just because Vioxx or Celebrex or Naprosyn or whatever works for one person without incident, it cannot be assumed that it will be good for someone else. Even I know that and I'm no doctor.

I'll keep an eye on the developing story. It sounds like all the cancer scare crap of twenty years ago...give us a little credit for brains here, drug companies! Sheesh!

(If we weren't all crazy we'd all go insane...)


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