Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Tired, frustrated and depressed...

Tired: I've been trying to get some additional exercise, as i have put on weight. None of the clothes I brought with me when I moved here to Oklahoma two years ago fit me properly any more. I can still wear them, it's just that the pants are a smidge too tight, and the tops just don't look right on me anymore.

However, the exercise, no matter how gentle, still wears me out. I've been doing a lot of running around because of the holidays, and that exhausts me to the point where I don't want to do anything.

I've decided that I am going to attempt a diet of some sort after New Years, because the Cajun has announced that he wants to drop 100 lbs. So now, my competitiveness is now kicking in and I want to show him that I can lose some weight, too.

And at the same time, I'm afraid I'm going to be taking on too much.

Frustrated: Things that I think should happen a certain way, don't. Things that I think should look a certain way, don't either. I seemingly have no control over anything other than my emotions, and I fear I'm starting to lose control over even that! Which leads me to...

Depressed: I pretty much covered it in the last post, but now I'm depressed over being depressed, and the holidays certainly don't help matters, but I feel like this 24/7/365, especially in the last two years. And I hate, with a passion, feeling this way.

I've been in a mini flare the last week or two, and I have been taking Celebrex for it. I've experienced no significant problems taking it. But, my supply is running low and I'm debabting whether I should continue to take it. I can always take Aleve, because I've never had a problem with that, either. I think the press is making way too much out of this. All drugs have side effects, and if you take too much, you could very well have a problem.

But, I have ranted about this in other posts, and I'm not in the mood to repeat myself.

January 20th could get here soon enough...I know I've said that before! LOL

I wonder if I can get the date changed to an earlier date?


1 comment:

Jillyvanilli said...

oh my, I can totally relate to this post, I have put on so much weight since being ill, but am too tired and in too much pain to do anything about. The saying 'vicious circle' comes into mind. Christmas goodies (especially here in the UK) are a must for at least 2 weeks this time of year.......... and who am I to break tradition?!